عبد الله عمر أبوشمة (أول أخضائيي طب المجتمع)

Abdullah Omar Abu Shamma: Pioneer of Public Health in Sudan

Dr. Abdullah Omar Abu Shamma graduated from Kitchener Medical School on January 1, 1933, as part of the fifth batch of graduates which included: Hadi Al-Nugr, Ahmed Bukhari, Abdul Aziz Muhammad Ahmed, Muhammad Ahmed Ali, Bashir Abdul Rahim, Zaki Mustafa, Abdul Halim Muhammad, and Muhammad Hassan.
Dr. Abu Shama was the first Sudanese doctor to work in areas south of Kosti in the year 1934. He was promoted to the position of medical inspector in 1940, a position rarely held by a Sudanese at that tim. In 1941 he held the position of assistant medical inspector for the health of Khartoum.
In the year 1948, he was sent to Britain to specialize in public health, and he received a DPH degree in 1951, making him the first Sudanese to obtain this degree, after which he became an inspector for Khartoum's health. After that, Dr. Abu Shamma was transferred to the Blue Nile to serve as the area health inspector in the year 1953, replacing the British doctor there. During his time in the Blue Nile and the irrigated Gezira region, Dr. Abu Shamma planned a project to eradicate schistosomiasis-carrying snails from the Gezira project. He also introduced the services of mobile units to treat (leprosy), which became a public policy in Sudan.
In 1954, Dr. Abu Shamma was transferred to Khartoum to be an assistant to the director of hospitals and a few months later to become deputy director at the Ministry of Health until 1962 and then director of the ministry.
Dr. Abu Shamma was known in the departments of the World Health Organization, and he was a member of its specialized committees, then he became deputy chairman of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization, and it was said that he was known to health politicians in more than 120 countries at the time.
رائد الصحة العامة
ولد الدكتور عبد الله عمر أبو شمة في 1908 وتخرج في مدرسة كتشنر الطبية في 1933. كان دكتور أبوشمة اول طبيب سوداني يعمل جنوب كوستي في العام 1934. كان أول سوداني ينال في العام 1951 درجة التخصص في الصحة العامة ليصبح بعدها مفتشاً لصحة الخرطوم.


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