مركز مهارات (من أوائل مراكز التدريب الطبي المؤهلة)

Maharat is a qualified and established, up-and-running, full-fledged consultancy firm and training centre founded in 2004 under the umbrella of Sudan Medical Heritage Foundation to conduct business in health care delivery, teaching, training and research. Maharat principal offices are located in Khartoum, Sudan.

Maharat for Medical Training and Consultation (Acronym Maharat) is registered with:
·         The National Council for Training
·         The Organizing Council for Consultancy Firms
·         The Commercial Registrar General of Business Names
·         The Union of Chambers of Commerce.
Maharat has an official seal and logo, official headed papers, and bank account. Maharat has the permanent staff required by the certifying authorities, and lists of consultants who cover all its consultancy and training activities.
Supporting documents will be ready in hard and/or soft copies, and listed in the following table.
Medical Consultation
Maharat provides a wide variety of medical consultations. The following are recent involvements:
  • Maharat is accepted as a consultation firm by Ministry of Finance, Khartoum State, and has been contracted as a consultant by Ministry of Health, Khartoum State in a consultation and training project  entitled Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Reference Hospitals in Khartoum State (approx. 3.5 M $). The contract has been signed on 26 May 2010.
  • Maharat is a consultant partner with Khartoum Central Ambulance Services, Khartoum State providing consultation on rehabilitation of Khartoum State Emergency Medical Services, and providing training for personnel.
  • Maharat provided a consultation for the Government of Southern Sudan on the Southern Sudan Health Care Policy. The policy working paper prepared by Maharat Consultancy was intended to be the background paper for a forthcoming seminar and workshop.
  • Maharat Executive Director carried out several consultancies for Sudan Medical Council including:
    • Project of compilation and editing of the Sudan Medical Council General Register in 2008. Project has been concluded and the Register is currently in press (2010)
    • Project of editing and translation of the General Medical Council (UK) book entitled (Good Medical Practice). Project has been concluded in 2009, and the book is in press.
    • Project on role of Sudan Medical Council in regulation of Traditional Medicine, Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Project finalized and provided a preamble for the formation of SMC Traditional Medicine, Complementary and Alternative Medicines Directorate (2010).
    • Project on Specialists Register and Mechanisms for Promotion of Specialists. Project finalized in 2008 and provided a preamble for Regulation of the Promotion of Specialists in SMC, and for the establishment of the Continuing Medical Education System Task Force and establishment of the Sudan Continuing Medical Education Committee.
Medical Training

Maharat provides training for all sectors of the population in a variety of management and medical fields with emphasis on high-level clinical, medical, and nursing skills, health safety, emergency and disaster preparedness, trauma management, and resuscitation. This is done through organizing internationally recognized and accredited training courses run by Sudanese and expatriate consultants and certified instructors. Maharat holds agreement with the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) to provide its training courses in Sudan, and has working relations with the Egyptian Resuscitation Council.

In addition, Maharat provides cross-cutting training in a variety of management fields that are relevant to every organization namely large firms, NGOs, corporate staff and industry personnel.

  • Maharat has trained several hundreds of medical personnel in advanced airway management, mechanical ventilation, and Advanced Life Support, and non-medical persons of Basic Life Support, first aid, communication skills, and several other subjects.
  • Maharat is an approved European Resuscitation Council Centre in Sudan for all European courses, and conducted several Training of Trainers course. Its list of certified ERC Instructors and Potential Instructors is long.

In 2004, Maharat launched the Sudan Editors service specialized in producing and editing corporate communications and academic and postgraduate manuscripts. Its aim is to provide the necessary consultations to medical institutions in an attempt to improve Sudanese academic writing tools.

  • Maharat is now shadow editor of Khartoum Medical Journal, the official journal of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, and now in third volume.

Maharat launched a self-assigned major project to document Sudan medical heritage and medical history entitled (Sudan Health Trilogy) in 2005. Several books have been published till now including:

  • Traditional Sudanese Medicine, a primer for health care providers, researchers & students (2000)
  • المرشد إلى قواعد وإجراءات التنظيمات الحديثة (2007)
  • الزار والطمبرة في السودان (2008)
  • Abdel Hamid Ibrahim Suleiman, his life and work (2008)
  • Ahmed Mohamed El-Hassan, his life and work (2008)
  • Daoud Mustafa Khalid, his life and work (2009)
  • Mohamed Hamad Satti, his life and work (2010)
  • El Hadi Ahmed El Sheikh, his life and work (2010)
  • Abdel Rahim Mohamed Ahmed, his life and work (in press)
  • الحكيم: من أجل أطباء أكثر وعياً ببيئتهم وفهماً لثقافات مجتمعاتهم وعاداتها وتقاليدها (تحت الطبع)
Organization & Management

Maharat organization has a General Assembly that convenes annually, a Board of Trustees, an Executive Office, and a multi-disciplinary Scientific Committee, which manages its academic affairs.

Maharat Executive Office

Maharat Executive Office is formed of 11 members endorsed by the Registrar General. Officers are:

  • Prof. Ahmad Al Safi, Chief Executive Officer
  • Dr Mofieda Yousuf El Khalifa, Vice-Director
  • Mr. Khalid Musa, Secretary General
  • Dr Wisal Mohamed Abduallah, Research Director
  • Mr. Mohamed Kamal, Treasurer
  • Ms. Enaam Mohamed Kheir, Public Relations
  • Dr Mishaal Beshir, Member
  • Mohaid Abbashar, Member
  • Hoida Beshir Taha, Member
  • Hala Hammad, Member
  • Rasha Fadlallah, Member
Maharat Chief Executive Officer

Prof. Ahmad Al Safi, Chief Executive Officer of Maharat, holds a bachelor of Medicine & Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum (MB BS, 1971), Diploma of Anaesthetics in London (DA, 1976), Fellowship of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FFARCS, 1977), and Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists of England (FRCA, 1992). In 1982, he had orthodox training in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture as applied to Anaesthesia, analgesia and therapy in Nanjing (China). He is currently Professor of Anesthesiology, Khartoum College of Medical Sciences and Head Department of Anaesthesia, Bashayer Teaching Hospital, Khartoum.

Ahmad Al Safi developed a love for the study of the sociology and anthropology of health early in life, and pioneered institutional research in Sudanese traditional health culture. His current fields of interest include in addition health delivery systems, and history of medicine.

In forty years of medical career, in addition to hands-on clinical practice, he managed departments of Anaesthesia, intensive care units, and training centres. He has strong foundation and experience in almost all subspecialties of Anaesthesia and intensive care. He has been consultant Anesthesiologist and Intensivist in different hospitals around the world including the 1200-bed Khartoum Teaching Hospital in Sudan (1979-1989). He has been one of the founding anesthesiologists of open-heart surgery with the late Mr. Ibrahim Mustafa and neurosurgery with Mr Hussain Sulaiman Abu Salih in Shaab Hospital, Khartoum in 1980 and beyond.

He founded several new organizations – governmental and non-governmental. In 1981, he established the Traditional Medicine Research Institute in the National Council for Research, which he succeeded to have it designated a WHO Collaborating Centre in 1984. He was founding director for both institutes up to 1989. In 2005, he founded the Sudan Medical Heritage Foundation as a non-governmental organization dedicated to health systems research, development, and conservation of Sudanese health heritage and resources. He also established Maharat as a non-governmental, multi-disciplinary, professional development and continuing medical education training & consultation centre.

In the period 1978-88, he carried out important studies for Sudan Medical Council, Sudan Medical Association, and Ministry of Health. In 1982, the Sudan Medical Council solicited him to study (Postgraduate Medical Qualifications: Recognition and Equivalence). The study became the preamble for the Specialist Register Ordinance of 1985. In 1984, the Sudan Medical Association and Ministry of Health asked him to study the (Teaching Hospitals Organization and Management in Sudan). The study he prepared became the preamble for the Teaching Hospitals Organization and Management Ordinance and the High Council for Teaching Hospitals Ordinance in 1985.

Ahmad Al Safi was a member of the WHO EMRO Expert Advisory Panel for traditional medicine (1982 for over ten years). Currently, he sits on important committees in all health institutions in Sudan, and is a member in the Anesthesiology Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry of Health, and the Board of the Traditional Medicine Research Institute of the National Centre for Research, Ministry of Science and Technology. He is the Chairperson of Sudan Medical Council Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Directorate. He is a member of the executive office of the Sudan National Academy of Sciences.

In the years 1989-2004, he occupied key roles in the medical services in ARAMCO Khafji Joint Operations (KJO) in Saudi Arabia. During this period, he contributed significantly to the promotion of health care management in the north-eastern region of Saudi Arabia. In 1999, he had been the key person for ARAMCO Due Diligence Mission, and the year after Chairperson of the KJO Healthcare Quality Improvement Programme.

He was Editor-in-Chief or member of the editorial boards of several refereed journals inland and abroad. He was Advisory Editor and referee for Social Science and Medicine, United Kingdom (1984-1994). In 2004, he launched the Sudan Editors service specialized in producing and editing corporate communications and academic and postgraduate manuscripts. The aim of this service is to improve Sudanese academic writing tools.

Ahmad Al Safi wrote and edited over 12 books and several articles in English and Arabic on health systems, history of Sudanese medicine, health culture, and rules of order. In ten years of work (1970-1980), he collected, edited and published in two volumes in 1981 and 1984 the complete works of the late Professor Tigani El Mahi, the first Sudanese and first African psychiatrist.

Prof. Ahmad Al Safi's voluminous book Traditional Sudanese Medicine (1999) is a pioneering wide-ranging account of traditional Sudanese health culture targeting health care providers, students and researchers. His book A Manual on Rules and Procedure of Deliberative Assemblies (1999, 2006) puts him in the forefront of Sudanese and Arab writers who defined the field of parliamentary procedure in Arabic. Critics have noted that this book is probably the only one of its kind in Arabic, and that it provided an invaluable toolbox for modern organizations in a country undergoing democratic transformation.

Maharat Profile

Full legal name
Maharat Medical Training and Consultation Centre

Organization registration
Registrar General Sudan Cultural Groups
Business registration
Commercial Registrar General
Business registration
Commercial Registrar General, Consultancy
Consultant registration
Organizing Council for Consultancy Firms
Training registration
National Council for Training
Commercial entity
Membership certificate of Chambers of Commerce
Legal status
Non-Governmental, Not for Profit
Field of work
Medical and Non-Medical Training and Consultation
Number of employees
Chief Executive Officer
Professor Ahmad Al Safi
Contact person
Professor Ahmad Al Safi
Official address
Flat 2, Plot 4, Block 1G Geraif West, POB 6780, Khartoum, Sudan
Telephone number
Fax number
E-mail address
Sudanese French Bank, Riyadh Branch

Maharat Consultants

The list of consultants that are available for Maharat to draw from and employ for specific tasks is extensive and unlimited (sample below). The list includes consultants in every specialty. They all have vast experience in health systems research, IT, and management. They all have hands-on experience, established medical careers, and vast track records of achievements. They are all acquainted with the latest management techniques, and have in-depth knowledge of the medical laws, rules, and regulations of Sudan.

The attached Consultants' List provides Maharat with decision-making, strategizing, and opportunity pouncing process. Through their teamwork, Maharat could provide the necessary consultation and the most updated medical knowledge to any client in a timely and efficient manner. Maharat consultants also help in accessing and establishing cooperative agreements with a vast network of contacts, partners, associates, affiliates, and reputable medical centres and professional groups inland and abroad.

Maharat consultants also provide strategic alliances with colleges of medicine, university hospitals, and research institutions who would provide much needed essential information for any medical consultation or service for any public or private institution irrespective of type, size, or place

Maharat Instructors

Dr Abdallah Jamal
Dr Afraa Mobarak
Dr Ahmed Al Amin Karrar
Dr Akram Ahmed Abdel Aziz
Dr Alameldin Hamid
Dr Amal Abdel Halim Saeed
Dr Amal Amin Mohi El Din
Dr Ammar Ismail Attia
Dr Fatima El Tinay
Dr Hagir Abbashar
Dr Hagir Hussein Taha
Dr Hala Ibrahim
Dr Hani Fatihi Ali Khalil
Dr Hassan Aissa
Dr Hatim Modawi
Dr Hiba Hassan
Dr Iman Ahmed Sirag El Din
Dr Khadija Osman
Dr Khalid Ali El Tayeb
Dr Leena El Mokashfee
Dr Lina Al Baghir
Dr Magdi Ibrahim
Dr Manal M Abbas
Dr Marwan Mohammed Ahmed Afifi
Dr Mohamed El ETayeb
Dr Mohamed El Mujtaba El Mardi
Dr Mohamed El Tahir
Dr Mohamed Osman Abdalla
Dr Mohammed Isameldin El Haj
Dr Moneir M Hassan
Dr Omer Elfaroug Salim
Dr Osama Hafiz
Dr Rawiya Abdel Rahman
Dr Razaz Ahmed El Badawi
Dr Reem Asim Hamad
Dr Saleh Fagir
Dr Samah Qassim
Dr Sami Omer
Dr Sami Osman Abuzaid
Dr Samih Ahmed
Dr Shima M Al Sanosi
Dr Sulfa Taha Mohamed
Dr Yousif Hassan Mohamed
Nurse Mudathir Omer Hassan
Prof. Ahmad Al Safi


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