المحررون السودانيون

Sudan Editors (SE) is a group of professional ex-editors, postgraduate supervisors, and authors specialized in producing and editing corporate communications and academic and postgraduate manuscripts. The leader of this team, Professor Ahmad Al Safi has been Editor of Al Hakeem Medical Journal (1968-1970), Editor-in-Chief, Sudan Medical Journal (1984-1988), Editor, Sudan Studies Bulletin (1984-1988), and Advisory Editor and referee, Social Science and Medicine, Aberdeen (1984-1994). He has self-published six books in Arabic and English, and wrote several successful project proposals that won international support.

Professor Suad Mohamed Sulaiman is on the team. She has published in many refereed journals, participated in several project proposals, and attended workshops on editing and peer reviewing, supervised many students for post-graduate degrees and acted on examination committees. She sat frequently as a member of the WHO steering committees and project selection. She is also a member of the Technical and Ethical Committees of the Research Directorate, Federal Ministry of Health.

SE services are provided under the umbrella of the Sudan Medical Heritage Foundation, a registered non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to research, development & conservation of Sudanese health care heritage & resources.

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