أحمد الصافي ومتحف السودان للصحة

I am proposing to establish the Sudan National Museum of Health in Khartoum State as a non-profit governmental or non-governmental facility governed by a Board of Trustees and permanent professional staff. This is an excellent innovative project, which will provide a facility currently unavailable. Public understanding pertaining to health care is achieved through exhibits and public programmes and outreach education, which stimulate curiosity and interest in health.

The Museum provides a repository of Sudanese medical and health artifacts including surgical instruments, pathology specimens, commemorative objects, public health items, historical archives, documentation of health care in Sudan, traditional medicine, medicinal plants, etc. The material culture, expressed by the collection, reflects the legacy of health care in Sudan, and as such, the museum will help in research in and understanding of health care diversity.

Read Concept Note


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