
Showing posts from April, 2020

أحمد محمد الحسن (أول استاذ في علم الأمراض)

Robert Kirk (1905-1962) [i] joined Sudan Medical Service in 1933, eventually becoming Director of the Wellcome and Stack Laboratories in Khartoum. In 1952, he was appointed the first Sudanese Professor of Pathology in the University College of Khartoum, and later (October 1954-March 1955) Dean of the MedicalSchool. [ii] He was succeeded in this post by Dr Mansour Ali Haseeb, the first Sudanese doctor to join SRL, in the post of assistant director of research. Robert Kirk joined the UniversityCollege from the Stack Laboratories with a worldwide reputation as a research worker who had made outstanding contributions to the understanding of kala-azar, yellow fever and many other tropical diseases. Prof. Kirk’s interests were wide and varied. Dermatology was not taught systematically in the Kitchener School of Medicine then. In fact, in the middle of the 1930’s, it was decided that a course of lectures would be inappropriate, as there would not be enough clinical material in Khartoum ...

المعدات الجراحية الشعبية

The arsenal of instruments used by traditional healers in the Sudan possess include knives, saws, lancets, hooks, probes fashioned of iron, ivory or wood, scalpels, forceps, snares, prongs, clamps, cupping instruments, curettes, splints, etc. The variety and sophistication of these instruments cannot be taken separately from the current level of technology. Systematic study of these instruments is necessary. Figure: (Collected by R.G. Anderson (see reference page 48 ) earlier to 1913). 1, 2, 3, 5. Al-Samandia 4, 7. Al-Murwad 6. Al-Risha 8. Al-Mikhray 9. Al-Ishfa 10, 11. Thorns for scarification purposes. 12. Al-Kamaia 13. Al-Lazim 14. Al-Fas 15. Al-Saleeha

هنري سولومون ولكم (وصيته بعد مماته)

The Will of Sir Henry Wellcome (Extract) I authorize my Trustees out of the Research Fund to make grants after the first five years after my death of a sum not exceeding Two Thousand Pounds a year and after ten years after my death of a sum not exceeding Three Thousand Pounds a year to the Trustees of the Gordon College at Khartoum under the supervision of such Trustees in conjunction with the Government of the Sudan for the exclusive use of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories at the said Gordon College for so long only as such Laboratories shall be conducted on the lines and for the purposes indicated in my letter of gift of the said Laboratories dated the twenty-eighth day of September one thousand nine hundred and one addressed by me to the Governor General of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and seconded by him in writing and so long only as the conditions of such letter of gift are observed by the said Trustees and the Sudan Government and the said Government fully maintains a...

معتمد أحمد أمين (رائد أبحاث البلهارسيا)

Mutamad Ahmed Amin Professor Mutamad Ahmed Amin was privileged to be trained by the first Sudanese generation of scientists after independence, Dr. Mohamed Hamad Satti and Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Elhassan. He then had the opportunity to study abroad at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK where he obtained his PhD in parasitology (schistosomiasis). When he returned home in 1968, he established for the first time the Bilharzia Department at Stack Laboratory (now The Public Health Laboratory), Ministry of Health. In this department, he established The Schistosomiasis Diagnostic Laboratory, and Snail Aquarium, and an animal house. Several MSc and PhD students supervised by Prof. Amin graduated from this laboratory. When he was appointed the first Director of the Medical Research Council in the National Council for Research ( 1973-1981), he was able to offer scholarships for students from various faculties of the University of Khartoum to be trained in experimental a...

دار ششر في الخرطوم

Khartoum Cheshire Home By 1992, there were 270 homes in 49 countries founded by Leonard Cheshire (1917–1992) International. [1]  These homes provide different rehabilitation services to disabled children free of charge. There are currently two Cheshire Services in Sudan providing both residential care and outreach/community based rehabilitation programmes. These services cover needy areas and displacement camps and offer physiotherapy, orthopaedic workshops, surgery, and educational and creative activities such as handicrafts. The services work in conjunction with a number of partners including the Christoffel Blinden Mission, the Broader Horizon Institute in Atbara, Sudan north and western Sudan Union of the Disabled. Khartoum Cheshire Home (KCH) was established in 1973 as local voluntary organization. This rehabilitation centre assesses children with mobility impairments, refers, gives pre- and postoperative care and treatment, and provides physiotherapy services and mo...

باترك دارسي مؤسس كلية الصيدلة جامعة الخرطوم

D’Arcy, Founder of Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Khartoum In 1954, MOH requested WHO to send a consultant to advise on pharmacy education. WHO assigned Prof. Mohamed Mohamed Motawea, Prof. of Pharmacology and Dean Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University to assess the curriculum, facilities, students and graduates of the School of Dispensers . Prof. Motawea, in his mission report, made the following recommendations: 1-      The School of Dispensers should be closed immediately as it does not serve any useful purpose. 2-      A faculty of pharmacy should immediately be established in UCK. 3-      In the meantime and until the faculty of pharmacy is established, selected students can be sent to study pharmacy abroad. The three recommendations were accepted and followed up by the MOH. In 1961, the government contacted USA Operation Mission to Sudan , which offered to train three batches of selected secondary ...