أحمد محمد الحسن (أول استاذ في علم الأمراض)
Robert Kirk (1905-1962) [i] joined Sudan Medical Service in 1933, eventually becoming Director of the Wellcome and Stack Laboratories in Khartoum. In 1952, he was appointed the first Sudanese Professor of Pathology in the University College of Khartoum, and later (October 1954-March 1955) Dean of the MedicalSchool. [ii] He was succeeded in this post by Dr Mansour Ali Haseeb, the first Sudanese doctor to join SRL, in the post of assistant director of research. Robert Kirk joined the UniversityCollege from the Stack Laboratories with a worldwide reputation as a research worker who had made outstanding contributions to the understanding of kala-azar, yellow fever and many other tropical diseases. Prof. Kirk’s interests were wide and varied. Dermatology was not taught systematically in the Kitchener School of Medicine then. In fact, in the middle of the 1930’s, it was decided that a course of lectures would be inappropriate, as there would not be enough clinical material in Khartoum ...