هنري سولومون ولكم (وصيته بعد مماته)

The Will of Sir Henry Wellcome (Extract)
I authorize my Trustees out of the Research Fund to make grants after the first five years after my death of a sum not exceeding Two Thousand Pounds a year and after ten years after my death of a sum not exceeding Three Thousand Pounds a year to the Trustees of the Gordon College at Khartoum under the supervision of such Trustees in conjunction with the Government of the Sudan for the exclusive use of the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories at the said Gordon College for so long only as such Laboratories shall be conducted on the lines and for the purposes indicated in my letter of gift of the said Laboratories dated the twenty-eighth day of September one thousand nine hundred and one addressed by me to the Governor General of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and seconded by him in writing and so long only as the conditions of such letter of gift are observed by the said Trustees and the Sudan Government and the said Government fully maintains and support with an adequate and efficient staff the said Laboratories for the purpose indicated in the letter of gift and so long only as such Laboratories shall bear and be called by the official name of “The Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories” which name was given to them by the express desire and direction of the Sudan Government and the Trustees of the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum and to be used exclusively for the purpose of providing the cost of the publication of Reports similar to the Reports issued at my expense from these Laboratories and edited by Dr. Andrew Balfour during his Directorship recording the new and original research and other work conducted by the Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories at Khartoum and in the auxiliary Wellcome Floating Research Laboratories on the River Nile and its tributaries or elsewhere or during land expeditions by caravan or otherwise to the outlying regions whether such work is done by the permanent or auxiliary staff.


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