معتمد أحمد أمين (رائد أبحاث البلهارسيا)

Mutamad Ahmed Amin
Professor Mutamad Ahmed Amin was privileged to be trained by the first Sudanese generation of scientists after independence, Dr. Mohamed Hamad Satti and Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Elhassan. He then had the opportunity to study abroad at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK where he obtained his PhD in parasitology (schistosomiasis).
When he returned home in 1968, he established for the first time the Bilharzia Department at Stack Laboratory (now The Public Health Laboratory), Ministry of Health. In this department, he established The Schistosomiasis Diagnostic Laboratory, and Snail Aquarium, and an animal house. Several MSc and PhD students supervised by Prof. Amin graduated from this laboratory.
When he was appointed the first Director of the Medical Research Council in the National Council for Research (1973-1981), he was able to offer scholarships for students from various faculties of the University of Khartoum to be trained in experimental and field research in schistosomiasis. These trainees are the leading generation of scientists in Sudan today
Between 1968 -1982, Dr. Amin held three posts: Director of Bilharzia Department, Director of the Medical Research Council, and Professor in the Department of Community Medicine, University of Khartoum
 In 1981-1985, Prof. Amin was appointed Regional Minister of Health and Social Welfare for the Central Region (Blue Nile, Gezira and White Nile States). This appointment was non-political and was based on his role in the control of vector-borne diseases in the region and his managerial capabilities. During his ministerial tenure, several great achievements were made in promotion of the health system and schistosomiasis research and control in the Region and the country at large.


Unknown said…
Thank you Professor Ahmed Alsafi
Aspiring person جزاك الله خير
Great Job
Hani Prof. Mutamed son

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