المعدات الجراحية الشعبية

The arsenal of instruments used by traditional healers in the Sudan possess include knives, saws, lancets, hooks, probes fashioned of iron, ivory or wood, scalpels, forceps, snares, prongs, clamps, cupping instruments, curettes, splints, etc. The variety and sophistication of these instruments cannot be taken separately from the current level of technology. Systematic study of these instruments is necessary.


(Collected by R.G. Anderson (see reference page 48) earlier to 1913).

1, 2, 3, 5. Al-Samandia

4, 7. Al-Murwad

6. Al-Risha

8. Al-Mikhray

9. Al-Ishfa

10, 11. Thorns for scarification purposes.

12. Al-Kamaia

13. Al-Lazim

14. Al-Fas

15. Al-Saleeha


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