
Showing posts from 2008

كتاب (لطب الشعبي في السودان)

Ahmad Al Safi. Traditional Sudanese Medicine, a primer for researchers, healthcare providers and students (2007) is: A wide-ranging 730-page account of traditional Sudanese medicine that should be read by every health care provider, student of medicine, pharmacy, veterinary, agriculture, medical sociology, medical anthropology, and folklore. A comprehensive 2500-reference General Bibliography and a 600-item Sudanese Materia Medica . An essential companion and an indispensable learning tool for researchers interested in undertaking meaningful research in medical anthropology or history of medicine. A long-waited for course book for community medicine, preventive medicine, and public health departments. A useful resource for medical legislators, and entrepreneurs looking for sound investment in medicinal, aromatic, and culinary plants. It is now in Khartoum bookstores for $ 50 and available for direct purchase from Sarra for Information Services, email:, tel: +2491...

أحمد محمد الحسن (أبو علم الأمراض)

Prof. Ahmed Mohamed El-Hassan the pathologist, researcher, teacher and mentor was born in 1930. He attained the Diploma of Kitchener School of Medicine (DKSM) in 1955 with distinctions and prizes in Medicine and Surgery, and winning Kitchener Memorial Prize. In 1960, he was awarded the Diploma of Clinical Pathology (DCP) from the University of London and in 1964, PhD, University of Edinburgh. Prof El-Hassan was a founding member/fellow of the Royal College of Pathology in England (RCPath) in 1964, and was the first Sudanese to be granted its Fellowship. The biography of Ahmed Mohamed El-Hassan, his life and work was authored by Dr Ahmad Al Safi and published in 2008. The book is now in Khartoum bookshops for $ 10. For direct purchase, please contact Sarra for Information Services, email: Tel +2491221674. Read Book  

دكتور عبد الحميد بيومي (أبو الجراحة في السودان)

أبو الجراحة في السودان دكتور عبد الحميد بيومي أول طبيب سوداني يتأهل جراحاً عاماً واستحق بذلك لقب (أبو الجراحة في السودان). ولد دكتور بيومي في 13 مارس 1911 بمدينة مروي وتخرج في مدرسة كتشنر الطبية عام 1934. نال زمالة كلية الجراحين الملكية بأدنبرة أعقبها بزمالة أخرى من الكلية الملكية بقلاسقو في العام 1949. عمل دكتور بيومي جراحاً ثلاثين سنة متواصلة في وزارة الصحة (1935-1965) ثم أستاذاً (بروفيسور) في كلية الطب، جامعة الخرطوم منذ 1984. وضع بيومي اللبنات الأولى لتخصص الجراحة في السودان وأرسى الأسس القويمة لأدب وفن وإدارة هذه المهنة، توفي دكتور بيومي في 2004. إقرأ نبذة أطول

عبد الله عمر أبوشمة (أول أخضائيي طب المجتمع)

Abdullah Omar Abu Shamma: Pioneer of Public Health in Sudan Dr. Abdullah Omar Abu Shamma graduated from Kitchener Medical School on January 1, 1933, as part of the fifth batch of graduates which included: Hadi Al-Nugr, Ahmed Bukhari, Abdul Aziz Muhammad Ahmed, Muhammad Ahmed Ali, Bashir Abdul Rahim, Zaki Mustafa, Abdul Halim Muhammad, and Muhammad Hassan . Dr. Abu Shama was the first Sudanese doctor to work in areas south of Kosti in the year 1934. He was promoted to the position of medical inspector in 1940, a position rarely held by a Sudanese at that tim. In 1941 he held the position of assistant medical inspector for the health of Khartoum . In the year 1948, he was sent to Britain to specialize in public health, and he received a DPH degree in 1951, making him the first Sudanese to obtain this degree, after which he became an inspector for Khartoum's health. After that, Dr. Abu Shamma was transferred to the Blue Nile to serve as the area health inspector in the year ...

أحمد محمد هاشم بغدادي

المحسن العظيم أحمد محمد هاشم بغدادي (1875-1933) فارسي الأصل عراقي المولد دخل السودان في العام 1900. عندما أعلن مشروع إنشاء مدرسة كتشنر الطبية كان بغدادي أول المساهمين، وفي 27 سبتمبر 1917 أوقف عقاراته في أم درمان والخرطوم مدى الحياة لصالح إعالة ودفع مصاريف الدراسة للطلاب الفقراء والمحتاجين من طلاب تلك المدرسة على أساس الاستحقاق والأهلية دون تفرقة على أساس لون أو عرق أو دين. إقرأ نبذة عن حياته

عبد الحميد إبراهيم أول العلماء السودانيين

Abdel Hamid Ibrahim Suleiman, his life and work Professor Abdel-Hamid Ibrahim Suleiman, currently Research Professor and National Consultant for Drug Affairs, Federal Ministry of Health, is one of Sudan's most outstanding scientists and civil servants who has served his country in health and other public fields with distinction and dedication. Prof. Ibrahim is a civil servant par excellence . He has now (July 2008) more than 58 years of continuous service in the Sudan Government, which in itself is recognition of his competence and integrity. During these long years, he has rendered very valuable services to the country and has made many outstanding achievements. Prof. Ahmad Al Safi has spent two years collecting data before writing Prof. Ibrahim biography. This book is now in Khartoum bookshops for $ 10. For direct purchase, please contact Sarra for Information Services Tel +2491221674. Email: Read Book

الزار والطمبرة في السودان

Now in all major bookstores in Khartoum.  Order from Sarra for Information Services  This book is a historical, social, psychological and medical analysis of a popular spirit possession cult in Sudan and neighbouring countries. The book includes two pioneering studies by the late Prof. Tigani El Mahi, and scores of zar music by musicologist Abdalla Ali Abdalla. Read Book

أحمد الصافي ومتحف السودان للصحة

I am proposing to establish the Sudan National Museum of Health in Khartoum State as a non-profit governmental or non-governmental facility governed by a Board of Trustees and permanent professional staff. This is an excellent innovative project, which will provide a facility currently unavailable. Public understanding pertaining to health care is achieved through exhibits and public programmes and outreach education, which stimulate curiosity and interest in health. The Museum provides a repository of Sudanese medical and health artifacts including surgical instruments, pathology specimens, commemorative objects, public health items, historical archives, documentation of health care in Sudan, traditional medicine, medicinal plants, etc. The material culture, expressed by the collection, reflects the legacy of health care in Sudan, and as such, the museum will help in research in and understanding of health care diversity. Read Concept Note

المحررون السودانيون

Sudan Editors (SE) is a group of professional ex-editors, postgraduate supervisors, and authors specialized in producing and editing corporate communications and academic and postgraduate manuscripts. The leader of this team, Professor Ahmad Al Safi has been Editor of Al Hakeem Medical Journal (1968-1970), Editor-in-Chief, Sudan Medical Journal (1984-1988), Editor, Sudan Studies Bulletin (1984-1988), and Advisory Editor and referee, Social Science and Medicine , Aberdeen (1984-1994). He has self-published six books in Arabic and English, and wrote several successful project proposals that won international support. Professor Suad Mohamed Sulaiman is on the team. She has published in many refereed journals, participated in several project proposals, and attended workshops on editing and peer reviewing, supervised many students for post-graduate degrees and acted on examination committees. She sat frequently as a member of the WHO steering committees and project selection. She is als...

ماذا قالوا عن كتاب المرشد؟

السر سيد أحمد يقول في (خطوة نحو تحسين الممارسة الديمقراطية، جريدة الخرطوم 10 مارس 1999): هذا الكتاب لا يعتبر إضافة إلى المكتبة السودانية التي تعاني فقراً مدقعاً في هذا الجانب، وإنما إسهاماً في بناء التجربة الديمقراطية في السودان التي تعاني بدورها من فقر أكثر حدة خاصة في الجوانب النظرية والإجرائية. عبد الله على إبراهيم يقول: (فقه استباق الخيرات، دكتور الصافي قال عوافي، الصحافي الدولي 11 أغسطس 2001) يقول: من حسن الطالع أن يكون بين يدينا كتاب جديد رشيق عن فن الاجتماع على هذه الأيام التي سيكون فيها الاجتماع بؤرة لنشاط عصبي وتنظيمي وفكري كثير لتنزيل الوفاق بين السودانيين ... ودكتور الصافي ذو باع طويل في التأليف المبتكر السباق، فقد فاز بجائزة المرحوم السلمابي على بحث له عن الطب الشعبي وهو ما يزال طالباً مبتدئاً بكلية الطب. ثم توفر دكتور الصافي على مخطوطات الدكتور التجاني الماحي فحققها وحررها ونشرها على الملأ فأسدى خدمة غراء لأستاذ الجيل لا يقوى عليها إلا ذوو العزائم الماضية. وها هو يستبق الخيرات ليزودنا بكتاب عن الاجتماع يهدينا إلى سواء الاجتماع والإجماع متى ما كففنا عن الهرج واستدبرنا البغ...