
حسن محمد إبراهيم (مؤسس خدمات التخدير ومدرسة مساعدي التخدير)

·         MB BS, 1957 ·         DA, 1961 ·         FFARCS, 1965 ·         Senior Anaesthetist 1965 ·         Joined Khartoum Civil Hospital ·         Department of Anaesthesia was founded in 1968 and he was the firt Head and Chief Anaesthetist, MOH. ·         He trained all first generation anaesthetists ·         He was the first Secretary General of SSA, and after Tahir’s tenure, he was president for several years. ·         Founder School of Anaesthesia Assistants in Khartoum Civil Hospital in 1965. ·         Retired in 1981 and started yet another active career inland and abroad.

إبراهيم محمد المغربي (رائد جراحة العظام والطب الرياضي والمايستوما)

Ibrahim Mohamed El Moghrabi Mr. IM El-Moghrabi (1913-1993), DKSM, D Chir., D Orth., FRCS, FICS, PhD (Hon) had his secondary education at Gordon’s Memorial College, Khartoum, and joined Kitchener School of Medicine and qualified at the age of 21 in 1935. He was top of his class throughout his school career and won the Anatomy and Physiology prizes in 1932. He passed his final examinations with distinction and won the Waterfield prize in Surgery and the school prize in Medicine. He joined the Sudan Medical Service (SMS) and after finishing his house jobs at Khartoum Civil Hospital, he was posted to several districts of Sudan. As a Medical Inspector in Wadi Halfa, he conducted the Gambia Mosquito Campaign and fought a Typhus epidemic. In 1939, Dr. Moghrabi was chosen as the first Sudanese Surgical Registrar and was trained by the late Mr. T.S. Mayne. [i] In 1946-1949, he left to Egypt on his own and attended postgraduate courses in Kasr El Aini Medical School, King Fouad 1 Univ...

عبد الرحيم محمد أحمد (رائد جراحة العظام في وزارة الصحة)

Early years Dr Abdel Rahim Mohamed Ahmed was born in El Ghaba El Shimaliya, Ugri El Dabba on 3 October 1932(3). He spent the first four years of his life in Al Ghaba Khalwa under Hagg Baloul. His entry into formal government education was a mere coincidence as there were only two primary government schools in that area-one in Wadi Halfa and the other in Berber, and these were only known to the elite. He spent his elementary schooling in Dibaira, north of Halfa, before joining Halfa Intermediate School. Later, he joined Wadi Saidna Secondary school followed by Kitchener School of Medicine (KSM). Schooling was supported by a college scholarship of 10 Sudanese Pounds a year to be given in three-month instalments. In current money, this seems to be too little an amount; but it carried out a lot of pride as it was a compliment to all science students and was a good relief to a poor student. He graduated with DKSM in 1958 together with 19 others including Gaili Karrar the first surgeon t...

هنري سولومون ولكم (مؤسس البحث في أمراض المناطق الحارة)

This a tribute to two pharmacists whose contribution to medical science in Sudan has been remarkable. They deserve to be recognized and their work appreciated. The two pharmacists are the naturalized British American industrialist, chemist, bacteriologist, medical philanthropist and pharmaceutical tycoon, Henry Solomon Wellcome (1853-1936), and the Irish pharmacist Professor Patrick FD D’Arcy. Henry Solomon Wellcome H.S. Wellcome Following the appeal of Lord Kitchener for the establishment of Gordon Memorial College ( GMC ) in 1899, Wellcome wrote to him with a cheque of 100 guineas from Burroughs Wellcome & Co and also ‘offering to contribute as soon as the institution is ready a complete medical equipment and stock for the dispensary in connection with the College.’ Wellcome was among the first few European civilians to visit the country in the winter of 1900/1901. He cruised on the Upper Nile and studied the people and land. The picture he drew for the Sudan of ...

كتاب الحكيم

        استهل بروفيسور عبد الله على إبراهيم هذا الكتاب بكلمة أسماها (المرض، علاجاً وثقافة) تعرض فيها لمحاولة الكتاب في أن يحرر المنهج الطبي بتعريض ناشئة الأطباء لمعارف ونظم أخرى للطب غير التي ألفوها ولشيء من تراثهم الثقافي العريض، فالكتاب في تقديره محاولة لرد البركة إلى المثقف الذي تشرد في الآفاق، وأنه مبحث يخلق في طلاب العلوم الطبية وعياً مبتكراً بالمرض كثقافة لا مجرد سقطات صحية. تحدث (التصدير) عن المنطلقات الفكرية التي قام عليها الكتاب وكيف بدأت فكرته حين لاحظ المؤلف أن المنشور عن التراث الطبي وتاريخ الطب في السودان قليل، وكيف تبلورت هذه الفكرة ونمت وكيف استمرت جهود جمع مادته خلال أربعة عقود أو يزيد. أوضح أن غايته هي أن يساعد في خلق جسر بين الطب البيولوجي وبين العلوم الإنسانية في السودان، فالأدب والفن والفلسفة والتاريخ والاجتماع والتصوف وغيرها من العلوم الإنسانية في رأيه روافد ومفاتيح لفهم النفس البشرية، ومصادر المعرفة وعلومها متشابكة ومترابطة، ولا يمكن فهم علم ما بمعزل عن باقي العلوم. ولتحقيق هذه الغاية، قدم الكتاب مادة متنوعة لصيقة بالطب لتساعد الأطب...

مركز مهارات (من أوائل مراكز التدريب الطبي المؤهلة)

Maharat is a qualified and established, up-and-running, full-fledged consultancy firm and training centre founded in 2004 under the umbrella of Sudan Medical Heritage Foundation to conduct business in health care delivery, teaching, training and research. Maharat principal offices are located in Khartoum, Sudan. Maharat for Medical Training and Consultation (Acronym Maharat) is registered with: ·          The National Council for Training ·          The Organizing Council for Consultancy Firms ·          The Commercial Registrar General of Business Names ·          The Union of Chambers of Commerce. Maharat has an official seal and logo, official headed papers, and bank account. Maharat has the permanent staff required by the certifying authorities, and lists of consultants who cover all its consultancy and training...