حسن محمد إبراهيم (مؤسس خدمات التخدير ومدرسة مساعدي التخدير)

·        MB BS, 1957
·        DA, 1961
·        FFARCS, 1965
·        Senior Anaesthetist 1965
·        Joined Khartoum Civil Hospital
·        Department of Anaesthesia was founded in 1968 and he was the firt Head and Chief Anaesthetist, MOH.
·        He trained all first generation anaesthetists
·        He was the first Secretary General of SSA, and after Tahir’s tenure, he was president for several years.
·        Founder School of Anaesthesia Assistants in Khartoum Civil Hospital in 1965.
·        Retired in 1981 and started yet another active career inland and abroad.


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