نصر الدين أحمد محمود (المدير المؤسس لجامعة ابن سينا)

Nasr El Din Ahmed Mahmoud
The first Department of Physiology in Sudan was established among the first departments of Kitchener School of Medicine at its inception in …. The physiology syllabus in that department was taught by the paediatrician, D. Coles. That department included Biochemistry, which separated in 1960. In 1957, Dr Ali Khogali Ismail was appointed as the first teaching assistant, and in 1970 he was appointed the first Head Department of Physiology. Dr Nasr El-Din Ahmed Mahmoud was the second teaching assistant to be appointed in the department in 1959. Postgraduate studies in physiology started in 1991.
Born in Shendi in 1930. He acquired MB, BS, Faculty of Medicine, Khartoum University College in 1956; Senior Scholar attending the honours BSc course in the school of medicine, University of Edinburgh (1961-1962), later Senior Scholar at the Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Edinburgh studying for PhD under the supervision of Professor RB Fisher, Dr R Passmore and Dr WNM Ramasy; awarded PhD, Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, 1964 thesis entitled: "Iron Metabolism in Relation to Nutrition; joined the academic staff of the Physiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum as Assistant Lecturer in July 1959, promoted to Lecturer in April 1961, and Senior Lecturer in 1968. Research Fellow (April, 1969 – October, 1969) to conduct a research project on obesity in the Metabolic and Endocrine Unit of the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh in collaboration with professor JA Strong (Professor of Medicine).
Appointed Head, Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum (1971 -1973). Promoted to the status of Professor in Physiology, 1974; Fellow of the Faculty of Medicine University of Khartoum 2002. Currently, Professor of Physiology Faculty of Medicine Khartoum University, and founding Dean, Khartoum College of Medical Sciences, a private medical school teaching medicine, pharmacy and dentistry.
Seconded to WHO as professor and Head Department of physiology, University of Addis Ababa (1972-75); appointed establishing Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira (1975); Seconded to Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait as professor and Head Department of Physiology (1977); Vice Dean Academic Affairs Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait (1978-1982); Head of the Center for Medicine Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait and Professor and Chairman Department of Physiology, Kuwait Faculty of Medicine (1982-1990); Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Al-Ahfad for Women (1991-1993), and founding Dean, Khartoum College of Medical Sciences (1999-).
Editor–in-Chief, Sudan Medical Journal (1965-1972).
In June 1966, he attended a 4–month practical course in the use of Radio-Isotopes in medicine in the Radio-Isotope Center for the Eastern Mediterranean Region of WHO in Cairo.
Published several scientific papers in local, regional and international Journals.
Appointed member of WHO Expert Advisory Panel for Nutrition for five years January 1971. Appointed WHO professor and Head Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (1973–1975). He was founding Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Gezira (1975 -1977).
In 1966, he was appointed Chairman of the Sudanese Swimming Association and in 1970 was elected to the Executive Committee of the African Swimming Association, in 1971 elected secretary general to the Sudanese Olympic Committee and, attended several meetings of the International Association of Olympic Committees, and appointed medical expert to the Ministry of Sports in the Sudan where I carried out useful Medical work on Sudanese athletes
Member of Khartoum University Senate in 1965and1972
Member of the Faculty Board of Medicine for years and represented the Faculty Board of Medicine in the Faculty Board of Pharmacy where I contributed to the coordination of teaching of basic medical sciences between the two faculties .I also contributed towards the improvement of examination regulation and evaluation technique.
He taught medical students, students of Khartoum College of Nursing, post-graduates.
1970 -1972: I was chosen to represent the faculty Board of Medicine in the University library Committee. I helped in improving lending procedure and in putting a plan for ordering back – dated issues of Journals to the Faculty Library.
He was appointed first chairman of the Sudanese Medical research Council and member of the Executive Board of the National Research Council (1970). During his tenure, he contributed to the advancement of medical research in Sudan by laying down the priorities of research and getting funds and facilities for projects approved by the council. During his chairmanship, the Institute of Tropical Medicine was established and the existing hospital was designated for training and research in Tropical Medicine, and the Bilharzia Research project in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical medicine was started.
He attended and contributed to most of the British physiological Society meetings (1961–1964), and attended the Pan- Arab medical conferences held in Baghdad, Damascus and Khartoum, meetings of the Scottish Society of experimental medicine held in Dundee in 1963.
He was member to several scholarly associations, socieites and institutions including the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1968), the International Olympic Medical Officers Association, the Sudanese and Ethiopian Medical Associations, the British Physiological Society, the Academic Commission and Appointment and Promotions committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Haile Selassie I University since January 1973; member of Khartoum University Press Board (1971 -1972); member of WHO Expert Advisory panel for nutrition (1971).

He is the founding Dean of Khartoum College of Medical Sciences


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