عبد الرحيم محمد أحمد (رائد جراحة العظام في وزارة الصحة)

Early years

Dr Abdel Rahim Mohamed Ahmed was born in El Ghaba El Shimaliya, Ugri El Dabba on 3 October 1932(3). He spent the first four years of his life in Al Ghaba Khalwa under Hagg Baloul. His entry into formal government education was a mere coincidence as there were only two primary government schools in that area-one in Wadi Halfa and the other in Berber, and these were only known to the elite. He spent his elementary schooling in Dibaira, north of Halfa, before joining Halfa Intermediate School. Later, he joined Wadi Saidna Secondary school followed by Kitchener School of Medicine (KSM). Schooling was supported by a college scholarship of 10 Sudanese Pounds a year to be given in three-month instalments. In current money, this seems to be too little an amount; but it carried out a lot of pride as it was a compliment to all science students and was a good relief to a poor student. He graduated with DKSM in 1958 together with 19 others including Gaili Karrar the first surgeon to be appointed in the Sudan Medical Corps and first Orthopaedic Surgeon there.


After acquiring the Diploma of Kitchener School of Medicine (DKSM) in 1958 with a prize in Medicine, Dr Abdel Rahim joined the Ministry of Health (Sudan) as house officer (1958-1959) and medical officer (October 1959-60). Having passed the primary FRCS in Khartoum, he was appointed House Officer and then Registrar in surgery under Mr. Abdel Hamid Bayoumi. This period proved to be extremely formative in terms of the surgical experience he gained, the knowledge he acquired, and most importantly the mentorship he had from Mr. Bayoumi. In addition to surgery, he was exposed to proper medical ethics and manners, and high level moral integrity.
Abdel Rahim Mohamed Ahmed
In the UK, having passed his second part of FRCS (England) in about six months, he started to look for a job in his field of interest. He had several offers; but his life gift came in a cable from Professor Trueta asking him for an interview for a job in the Nuffield in Christmas 1960!
He was Surgical Registrar (November 1960-March 1962), and Senior House Officer in Hammersmith Hospital, London (April 1962-March 1963). In 1962, he was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS). He did Training in Accident and Orthopaedics in Oxford (1964-1966), a Smith and Nephew Fellowship in Plastic and Trauma Neurosurgery in Oxford for one year in 1966, and a six-week WHO Fellowship (Prosthetic-Orthotics) in Denmark in 1973.
In Sudan, he was assigned surgeon in Kassala, Sudan (May 1963-March 1964). He was Accident and Orthopaedic Registrar, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre (1966), and Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Khartoum (1967-1972). He was Senior Consultant to the Ministry of Health, and Head of the Accident and Orthopaedic Department, Khartoum Teaching Hospital (1973-1990).
Following voluntary retirement in 1990, he was Fellow-Accident and Orthopaedic Department, medical school. He continued in private practice in accident and orthopaedic surgery, part-time postgraduate tutor in orthopaedics, examiner in anatomy for the Second MB BS, and surgery for the final MB BS in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum. He was examiner in anatomy for Part 1 Surgery and Part 2 MD (Surgery), University of Khartoum, and for the Degrees of MB BS and Master in Clinical Surgery (MCS). He also did WHO short-term consultancies in Accident Prevention and Emergency Medical Services in the Middle Eastern Region.
The immediate posts he carried out before his retirement included Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon to the MOH, Head, Accident and Orthopaedic Department, KTH, Part-time under- and post-graduate teacher, Faculty of Medicine, UOK.
The immediate post commitments were many including:
·       In charge of the National Prosthetics-Orthotic Centre, Khartoum
·       Director, Joint Ministry of Health-World Health Organisation Rehabilitation Programme
·       Member of the National Council for the Welfare and Rehabilitation of the Disabled.
·       Chairman of the Committee for the National Council for Accident Prevention.
·       Chairman of the First National Conference on Road Traffic Accident prevention.
·       Director, Joint Ministry of Health-World Health Organisation Programme for Accident Prevention.


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