
Collected by R.G. Anderson earlier to 1913. (see reference page 48 , and material amulets page 132 ). 1. Al-Barad (hail). An opaque white stone worn round the wrist in order to protect the wearer’s horse from horse sickness. It is supposed to fall with the hail, hence the name. 2. Hajar Al-Damm (blood stone), mounted as a ring. 3. Hajar Al-Damm, used as a neck ornament. It is placed in water as a specific cure for sunstroke and headache. In epistaxis one of these stones is tied round the forehead to check the bleeding. 4. Al-Hajar Al-Akhdar (green stone) mounted as a ring. 5. Al-Hajar Al-Akhdar (green stone), roughly cut as a neck ornament. The stone is placed in boiling water which when cool is administered locally and internally in cases of sunstroke and headac...