تجميل الأسنان عند قبائل جنوب السودان

This plate was made by R.G. Anderson (see reference page 41, and surgical methods page 146, and dental procedures page 154).

1.        Extraction of lower and pointing of upper incisors among Nyam Nyam tribe.

2.        &, 3, 4. Sharpening and pointing of incisors and two lower canines. Various designs in used by the Zandeh Nyam Nyam.

5.        &, 6,7. Sharpening and notching of central upper incisors by the Avungara (Royal House).

8.        &, 8a, 9. Removal of all or only the central lower incisors, with alterations in direction of the unopposed teeth. (Gebelawi Nayam Nyam, Makrakka, Bagaro and Gour).

10.     Extraction of four lower, with separation of upper central incisors. (Bkka)

11.      & 12 Extraction of four lower incisors and two lower canines and two upper incisors. (Gour).


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